Monday, October 29, 2012

Last date extended for Specialist Officer in SBI and Associated Banks recruitment Oct-2012

Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD)
Corporate Centre, Mumbai
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Advertisement No. CRPD/SCO/2012-13/02Published at

Online applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Specialist Officers (Economics/ IT/ Computer/ Engineering/ Official Language/ Law and Security etc.) in State Bank of India  (SBI) and its Associate Banks :
  1. Assistant  General Manager (Chief Economist) : 01 posts in SMGS-V scale in SBBJ
  2. Manager (Economist) : 02 posts in MMGS-III scale in SBI
  3. Chief Manager (Chartered Accountant) : 01 post in SMGS-IV scale in SBBJ
  4. Manager (Chartered Accountant) : 02 posts in MMGS-III scale in SBBJ-1, SBM-1
  5. Manager (Hardware) : 02 posts in MMGS-III scale in SBH
  6. Dy. Manager (Hardware) : 16 posts in MMGS-II scale in SBBJ-10, SBH-4, SBP-2
  7. Assistant Manager (Hardware) : 09 posts in JMGS-I scale in SBP
  8. Manager (Networking) : 01 post in MMGS-III scale in SBH
  9. Dy. Manager (Networking) : 03 posts in MMGS-II scale in SBH
  10. Dy. Manager (Systems) : 25 posts in MMGS-II scale in SBBJ-10, SBT-7, SBP-8
  11. Assistant Manager (Systems) : 231 posts in JMGS-I scale in SBBJ-80, SBH-84, SBP-49, SBM-14, SBT-4
  12. Assistant Manager (Computer & Communication) : 05 posts in JMGS-I scale in SBI
  13. Dy. Manager (Civil Engineering) : 13 posts in MMGS-II scale in SBBJ-8, SBH-2, SBM-1, SBT-2
  14. Assistant Manager (Civil Engineering) : 32 posts in JMGS-I scale in SBI-20, SBM-3, SBP-6, SBT-3
  15. Dy. Manager (Electrical Engineering) : 04 posts in MMGS-II scale in SBH-3, SBM-1
  16. Assistant Manager (Electrical Engineering) : 21 posts in JMGS-I scale in SBI-17, SBP-1, SBT-3
  17. Dy. Manager (Official Language) : 08 posts in MMGS-II scale in SBM-3, SBP-5
  18. Manager (Official Language) : 02 posts in MMGS-III scale in SBBJ-2
  19. Assistant Manager (Official Language) : 01 post in JMGS-I scale in SBT-1
  20. Manager (Law) : 42 posts in MMGS-III scale in SBI-42
  21. Dy. Manager (Law) : 04 posts in MMGS-II scale in SBH-1, SBP-3
  22. Assistant Manager (Law) : 78 posts in JMGS-I scale in SBI-42,  SBH-23, SBT-13
  23. Dy. Manager (Security) : 10 posts in MMGS-II scale in SBH-6, SBT-4
  24. Dy. Manager (Fire) : 01 post in MMGS-II scale in SBBJ-1
    Scales :
    1. JMGS-I : Rs.14500-25700
    2. MMGS-II : Rs. 19400-28100
    3. MMGS-III : Rs.25700-31500
    4. SMGS-IV : Rs. 30600-36200
    5. SMGS-V : Rs. 36200-40400
      Application Fee : Rs.500/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PWD). Candidates are required to go to any CBS Branch of State Bank of India and pay the amount throug a payment voucher of prescribes fees and get receipt from the branch.

      Selection by Written Exam on 02/12/2012 followed by Group Discussion & Personal Interview for selected candidates.

      How to Apply: Apply Online at SBI website from 08/10/2012 to 28/10/2012 Now extended up to 08/11/2012 at SBI website only.  

      Kindly visit the Recruitment section at the SBI website for detailed information, Challan form and Online Application form.

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