Municipal corporation of Delhi (MCD)
Health Department
Applications are in invited for engagement of Medical and Paramedical staff on contract basis from the eligible candidates having qualifications and mentioned below :
- GDMO-II , Qualification : a recognised Medical qualification, Age : not exceeding 30 years, Pay : Rs. 28513/- PM
- Junior Dental Surgeon, Qualification : A Degree in Dentistry (ii) 3 years experience in Dental Work in a hospital or in private practice (iii) Should be registered with Dental Council., Age : Not exceeding 30 years, Pay : 28513/- PM
- Medical Officers (Ayurveda), Qualification : A Degree in Ayurveda from a recognised University/Statutory State Board/ Council/ Faculty of India Medicine or equivalent recognised by the Central Council of Indian Medicine (ii) Enrolment in Central/State register of Indian Medicine., Age : Not exceeding 35 years, Pay : 28513/- PM
- Medical Officers (Unani Hakim), Qualification : A recognised Degree or Diploma of not less than 4 years duration in Unani Hakim (Tibb) (ii) Enrolment in Central/State register of Indian Medicine. (iii) 5 years exp. in Unani Tibb. Preferably in a recognised Hospital or Dispensary ,Age : Not exceeding 30 years, Pay : 28513/- PM
- Medical Officers (Homeopathy Doctor), Qualification : A Degree of Diploma of not less than 4 years duration (ii) Enrolment in Central/State register of Indian Medicine. (iii) 5 years Homeopathic Practice preferably in a recognised hospital or a dispensary, Age : Not exceeding 30 years, Pay : 28513/- PM
- ANM, Qualification : Matric Pass from a recognised University/Board/ School or equivalent (ii) Qualified Midwife registered with Nursing Council of India as Aux. Nurse Midwide., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 8100/- PM
- LHV, Qualification : should have passed Matriculation exmaination of a recognised university/board or equivalent (ii) should be registered Lady Health Visitor from a recognised institution (iii) Should possess thorough knowledge of Domestic and Social Science and elementary personnel and General Hygiene., Age :18-27 years, Pay : 9113/- PM
- PHN, Qualification : B.Sc. in nursing from a recognised university/college/institution or equivalent OR 'A' Grade nurse with Health Visitors Training from a recognised institution OR 'A' Grade Nurse with Training in Public Health from a recognised Institution., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 11138/- PM
- Lab Assistant, Qualification : Matric Pass with Science as a subject fro ma recognsied university/Board/School or equivalent (ii) Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognised institution or equivalent., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 6480/- PM
- OT Assistant, Qualification : Matriculation Pass from a recognised University/Board/ School or equivalent (ii) 2 years theater exp. in a reputed hospital., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 6480/- PM
- X-Ray Assistant (Junior Radiographer), Qualification : Matric Pass with science as a subject from a recognised University/Board/ School or equivalent (ii) certificate in Radiology/Radiography from a recognised institution or equivalent., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 6480/- PM
- Medical Record Clerk, Qualification : Matriculation Pass from a recognised University/Board/ School or equivalent (ii) Passing of a test in English Typewriting at a speed of 30 wpm., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 6176/- PM
- Statistical Clerk, Qualification : Degree with Mathematics Statistics/ Economics as one of the subjects from a recognised university or equivalent., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 6176/- PM
- Refractionist, Qualification : Matric Pass from a recognised University/Board/ School or equivalent (ii) Diploma in Refrectionist and optometry from a recognised institution or equivalent (iii) 2 years professional exp., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 9113/- PM
- Physiotherapist, Qualification : Diploma in Physiotherapist from a recognised institution, Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 11138/- PM
- Pharmacist, Qualification : Must have passed Matric or equivalent from a recognised University/Board/ School (ii) Must be registered as q Qualified Pharmacist Dispenser with a recognised Pharmacy Council (ii) 2 years exp. as a Pharmacist/ Dispenser., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 9113/- PM
- Dental Hygienist , Qualification : Matriculation Pass from a recognised University/Board/ School or equivalent (ii) Diploma / Certificate in Dental Hygienist Course from a recognised university/institution or equivalent (iii) Registration with a State Dental Council., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 8100/- PM
- Plaster Assistant, Qualification : Matriculation Pass from a recognised University/Board/ School or equivalent (ii) 1 year exp. in application of Plasters in a n Orthopedic unit of a hospital, Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 6480/- PM
- Dietician, Qualification : Master's Degree in Home Science/ Home Economics with specialisation in food and nutrition of a recognised university or equivalent OR B.Sc. (Home Science/Home Economics) with Nutrition as a special subject from a recognised University or equivalent with PG Diploma in Dietetics from a recognised Institution and 1 year practical exp. in Dietetics., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 11138/- PM
- Medical Social Worker (PRO), Qualification : Degree of a recognised University or equivalent (ii) Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in Social Service/ Social Welfare/ Social work/ Sociology Psychology of a recognised university/institution or equivalent., Age : 18-27 years, Pay : 11138/- PM
Age relaxation for SS/ST and OBC as per rules.
How to Apply : Application should be made as per the prescribed format. The envelope should be marked in bold letters in respect of the post applied for. Application along with the attested copies of Certificate/ Diploma/ Degree with Mark sheet, Exp. certificates and other relevant documents should reach the office of the Addl. dy. Commissioner (Health), Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), Room No. 50-A, Town Hall, Chandini Chowk, Delhi - 110006 within 15 days from the publication of the advertisement (published on 22/09/07)
Format :
- Post applied for ............................................... Pest
- Name (in Capital Letters) ................................... Passport
- Father's/ Husband's Name .................................. Size
- Date of Birth .................................................. Photograph
- Caste / Category .............................................
- Education / Technical Qualifications ....................
- Experience, if any ...........................................
- Registration No. as applicable with the Council Concerned as required......
- Registration No. of Employment Exchange ...............
- Residential/ Correspondence address with Telephone/ Mobile no. .....
- I hereby declare that the particulars given in the Bio-Data above are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed there from.
- Signature of Applicant
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