Monday, October 22, 2007

Beware of Fake Application Forms

Beware of fake forms

Some of you have gone to your local News Paper vendor to purchase and fill the Application form for a particular Government Job. But you may not be aware that these forms are fake and some big racket is working behind this. Sine these application forms have cost only Rs.3-5, nobody complaints and problem of fake form continues. Today, this problem is highlighted by new item in almost all the News Paper published from Delhi. I am repoducing the article published in
'The Econimic Times' .

THEY are available with any pavement vendor or a roadside bookstall ranging from Rs 5 to Rs 10 and opening a possible window of a precious job that the thousands of jobless are dreaming to get. Thousands of such gullible are, however, being defrauded thanks to the thriving market for recruitment forms issued by government agencies and being printed and published in hundreds by frauds.

The Delhi Police seems to be totally unaware of the whole scam. “We do not have any complaints as such, but we can look into this,” said Delhi Police spokesperson Rajan Bhagat. “Recently I purchased a form for the post of deputy field officer for cabinet secretariat, government of India. But I was taken aback when I checked it with the Employment News. The form was fake; it had incomplete, inaccurate and misleading information,” said Rajeev Ranjan, an aspirant for government job.

Dara Singh also has a similar story to tell. The form for the post of junior intelligence officer in the intelligence bureau, ministry of home affairs (MHA) does not have any of the essential details as regards the qualification, he said. “The form was actually for the motor transport, grade-II (motor driver) post. It required possession of a valid driving license for motor cars alongwith a mandatory three-year driving experience of motor cars,” he added, “Which wasn’t published with the form.” Instead, the advertisement in the form mentioned matriculation as the only eligibility criteria against the essential qualification for the post. None of the other important details were there in the advertisement.

There are various other forms of different departments or organisations, both private and government, sold in the open market at bookstalls and corner-stores with incomplete and inaccurate details relating to the post and performa of the application form, thus robbing the candidate of their money. “The details given in the form advertisement are false. These publishers are very shrewd,” said Munna Kumar, a postgraduate, who is also a job aspirant. “The most important information or instruction relating to the post and vacancy is either deliberately not published or if published, then in such a way so that any candidature who goes through the advertisement is lured at once, at the very first sight to buy the form,” he added.

But when they cross-check it with the original advertisement, they find themselves helpless. The forms are never returned or taken back by the form-sellers and in the way the motive of quick money generation of these elements through fake form sales is easily met.

The owner of the aforesaid form publisher (Rajat Printers and Publishers), Suraj Singhal, when contacted, first tried to pass on the blame to some other publisher, but finally admitted his fault and plead guilty on account of ignorance of the actual (original) details of the vacancy. “I am a semi-literate person. I do have much of the details of the genuine advertisement and there might have been cases like this,” he admitted. The publishers estrange themselves from all these by simply mentioning a sentence declaring themselves not responsible for any of the mistake or inaccuracy, whatsoever.

These are few of the cases from Delhi and NCR, but the fate and magnitude of this scam is very large on an all-India basis. Most of the smaller towns, villages and districts in the country are a part of this organised illegal syndicate. The racket largely goes unnoticed because of the cost of the form as nobody bothers to lodge a complaint of cheating with the police for the small amount of money involved and as such this trade is gaining grounds in unknown territories.

This is the reason that I always try to give a either a link to the Application form or a scanned copy of Application Form, so that you should get actual copy only. Beware of Fake Forms.

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