- Junior Residents - 137 posts (UR-71, OBC-36, SC-20, ST-10)
Date of Interview: 02/06/2008 and 03/06/2008 - Senior Residents - 73 posts (UR-30,OBC-36,SC-06,ST-01)
- Obst. & Gynae -5 (UR-1, OBC-4) - Interview on 26/05/2008
- Radiology -2 (UR) - Interview on 26/05/2008
- Neuro Surgery -11 (UR-6, OBC-4, SC-1) - Interview on 26/05/2008
- Anaesthesia -14 (UR-2, OBC-11, SC-1) - Interview on 27/05/2008
- B & P Surgery -04 (UR-3, OBC-1, SC-1) - Interview on 27/05/2008
- Radiography -01 (OBC-1) - Interview on 27/05/2008
- ENT -2 (UR-2) - Interview on 28/05/2008
- Gen. Surgery -10 (UR-4, OBC-3, SC-2,ST-1) - Interview on 28/05/2008
- Orthopaedics -06 (UR-4, OBC-2) - Interview on 28/05/2008
- Paeds. Medicine -08 (UR-2, OBC-5, SC-1) - Interview on 29/05/2008
- Skin & VD -02 (UR-2) - Interview on 29/05/2008
- Medicine -08 (UR-2, OBC-5, SC-1) - Interview on 29/05/2008
Eligibility for Jr. Residents:
- Age : below 30 years relaxable to 5 yrs for Sc & ST and 3 yrs to OBC candidates
- Educational and Other Qualificaiton: MBBS Degree from a recognised university and have completed their internship on or after 01/06/2006.
- Emolument: Rs. 9400/- which is inclusive of NPA plus other allowances.
- Tenure: the appointment will be initially for 6 months that can be extended further up to maximum period of one year
Eligibility for Sr. Residents:
- Age: Below 35 years relaxable to 5 yrs for Sc & ST and 3 yrs to OBC candidates
- Educational and Other Qualificaiton: Post Graduate Degree or Diploma in concerened specialty from a recognised university and have completed their internship and registered with DMC.
- Emolument: Rs. 10940/- which is inclusive of NPA plus other allowances. In case of diploma holders, the amount shall be reduced by Rs.325/- pm.
- Tenure: the appointment will be initially for 1 year that can be extended further up to maximum period of three years.
FEE Payable: for General/OBC candidates Rs. 200/- and no fee required for SC/ST candidates. The fee should be in cash with treasury before appearing the interview.
The prescribed application form of Rs. 5/- can be had from the Office of Addl. MS (A), Room no 105 untill at least one day before interview. Complete applications will be accepted after registration between 10.00 am to 12.30 noon at Room No. 105, Office of Addls. MS (A) as per schedule. Candidate should come with attested copes of DOB Certificates/ Higher Secondary Education Certificate issued by the state board/ Caste Certificate / Educational Qualification Certificate / Emp. Exp. Card / Internship Completion Certificates/ DMC Regn. Certificate of undertaking as th case may be / attempt certificate / etc in given sequence.
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